Our next Wealth Builder Workshop is ...

Friday, August 2nd at Noon (CST)

The Wealth Builder Experience

Save $10K to $100K+ in taxes by legally manipulating your tax bill

Discover how our community consistently earns 12% to 20%+ returns

Experience the power and possibility within the Financial Journey Community

Are you too busy making money to become wealthy?

Are you too busy with life to live your dreams?

95% of Americans will have the opportunity to reach

“work optional” but only 5% will.

work optional

/wəːk/ /ˈɒpʃ(ə)n(ə)l/

"You work only if you want. Your wealth fuels your freedom, time, relationships, and impact."

In other words, your investment income can pay for your life’s vision. Which will allow you to spend your time as you wish, doing what you want, with the people that matter most to you.

At the Wealth Builder Experience, You’ll…

  • Discover how to avoid the biggest wealth-building mistake most people make.

  • Assess where you are on your wealth journey and the next steps to accelerate your journey.

  • Explore lucrative investment opportunities for today's market despite economic adversity.

  • Understand which assets intentionally accelerate or mistakenly slow your progress to work optional.

  • Grow the knowledge and skills to make wealth THE business.

  • Assess whether you should concentrate or diversify.

  • Understand how our community members consistently earn between 12% and 20%+ returns.

  • Discover 3 game-changing tax strategies that can save you $10K to $100K+ on your next tax return.

  • Meet a community of genuine & generous people who accelerate each other's growth in wealth & life.

  • Experience how we quickly build connections within the Financial Journey community and benefit from shared knowledge and resources from your successful peers in this workshop.

What’s it going to cost?

We invite you as our guest to this fun interactive collaborative experience. All we ask is you join us open in mind and heart and ready to participate in the conversation.

So what are you waiting for…

What It's Like to Experience

the Financial Journey Community and Events...

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© 2023 – Financial Journey | All Rights Reserved

This information is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal, investment, tax, or other professional advice.

This workshop is not offering individualized advice tailored to any specific portfolio or to any individual’s particular needs or rendering investment advice or other professional services such as legal or accounting advice. A competent professional’s services should be sought if one needs expert assistance in areas that include investment, legal and accounting advice.